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Random Acts Of Kindness

Random Acts of Kindness

Random acts of kindness may be small moments in the school day, but they can make a major difference in students’ lives. And yet, as teachers we know that working this concept into a busy school year can be complicated. Maybe you’re trying to prep for NAPLAN, trying to deduce why your sit spots keep disappearing from your classroom, or keep up with students’ Individualised Curriculum Plans, you’ve got a lot on! So how do you manage to encourage your students to be generous and gracious and sprinkle these random acts of kindness into the day? For that matter, what are some random acts of kindness ideas for kids that you can use in your classroom?

Whether you’re looking to celebrate Random Acts of Kindness Day on 17 February (just after Valentine’s Day) or just looking for some random acts of kindness ideas for kids to add to your social-emotional lessons, the teachers on the Teach Starter team have put together this how-to guide for teachers to make this concept both easier to teach and truly inspiring to kids. Read on for the origin of the Random Acts of Kindness concept plus ideas for students to use in your classroom this school year!

Take a look at some of our Random Acts of Kindness

1. Holding the classroom door open for classmates


2. Allowing a friend to go first in a game


3. Asking another student if they need help with their homework


4. Throwing a friend’s garbage in the bin for them


5. Waving to a classmate at departure

6.  Picking up another student’s pencil when it falls


7.  Offering to help a classmate with a project


9.   Baking cookies for your teacher’s aide


10. Carrying a friend’s food at lunch when they are on crutches


11. Sharing crayons, coloured pencils, and other classroom resources


12. Offering another student a hug when they are sad

13. Offer to babysit for a single parent (best for older students)


14. Help a homeless person by buying them a meal


15. Leave a note of appreciation for a store clerk or restaurant worker


16. Offer to walk a neighbour’s dog

17. Leave a fun drawing on a stranger’s car to brighten their day


18. Leave a note of encouragement for a friend or family member


19. Make a card for a nursing home resident


20. Make a card for a nursing home resident


21. Help a neighbor with a task, such as raking leaves or shovelings snow


22. Donate toys or clothes to a children’s charity


23. Bake cookies or cupcakes for a local fire station or police department


24. Leave coins in a vending machine for the next person


25. Make flowers for a grandparent and deliver a bunch just because (use this fun printable flower craft template they can add their photos to!)


26. Leave a kind note on a park bench for a stranger to find it


27. Help a younger sibling with their homework


28. Pick up trash when they spot it in a parking lot or at the park


29. Leave a kind note in a library book for the next person who checks out the book to read it


30. Help an older person with their groceries

      Kindness is a gift everyone can afford to give. 

Do you have a Random Act of Kindness to share with SVS?

Tell us about it here and you might hear your announcement during one of our Weekly School Gatherings or see it on Social Media!

How do we change the world? One random act of kindness at a time.